

  • 日期 : 2018-11-12
  • 點閱 : 875
第八屆亞洲青年領袖遊學營(Asian Youth Leaders Travel and Learning Camp 2019將於2019214日至218再次在新加坡隆重開幕。 屆時,來自世界各地頂尖學府的學生代表將齊聚獅城,通過有意義的旅遊環節和授課環節,來感受、探索多元文化的新加坡社會 。



活動手冊已經隨本郵件一同附上,請老師您查收。如果您有其他任何詢問或需要協助的地方,歡迎隨時與我們聯系,或瀏覽我們的網站:www.ayltlc.com  www.facebook.com/AYLTLC 



Katherine Yeo (Ms.) 部長

代表服務部 敬啟



Warmest greetings from Asian Youth Leaders Travel and Learning Camp (AYLTLC2019


It is our 8th Year! We sincerely appreciate the support from you and your esteemed institution to AYLTLC. We are hereby honored to invite students from your highly esteemed institution once again to participate in the AYLTLC 2019, which will be held in Singapore from 14th to 18th February 2019.

 AYLTLC is an annual gathering for student leaders from Top Universities around the world. The said camp provides our participants an exceptional opportunity:

•    To Network with student leaders from Top Universities

•    To Learn about the Key Success which shaped one of Asia’s most progressive nations, Singapore - a multiracial, multilingual & multicultural society from various perspectives

•    To Develop themselves to be effective future leaders

The Organizing Committee of AYLTLC would greatly appreciate if you could help us to disseminate this invitation to your students, as well as encourage them to participate in this camp. For your convenience, information brochure is attached for reference. Prospective applicants may also access our website at www.ayltlc.com or our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/AYLTLC.

Once again, we would like to express our heartfelt gratitude and we look forward to your support for this Camp. Should you need any further clarifications or assistances, please feel free to contact us.

Thank you and see you in Singapore!


Best Regards,                                                      

Katherine Yeo (Ms.)

Director, Department of Participant Services

The Organizing Committee of Asian Youth Leaders Travel and Learning Camp 2019